

Help me declutter & organize, please!

This garage was packed. In just five hours, three carloads were sorted by items to recycle, donate and sell. We were able to organize all the remaining items into convenient, easy to access locations for this busy family.

“Maria was just what I needed! I’d already started purging and had purchased some hanging hardware for the garage (though still unopened). Her ‘dive in and get it done’ attitude and sorting + removal system gave me the jump start I needed to take it to the next phase. I was amazed we got it all done in just 5 hours!”

Stacey, Shoreline Resident


Your Home, My To-Do List!

This busy CFO had a multitude of organizing projects, repairs, updates, and renovations on his home to-do list. I was Project Manager and point person between the homeowner and contractors throughout construction. He referred to me as his ‘Home Improvement Concierge.’ Here’s what we accomplished between Nov ‘19-Jan ‘20:

  • Referral to interior designer to help with creative vision

  • Interior / exterior porch & trim painting

  • All new windows and several updated window coverings

  • Refinished hardwood floors (eco-friendly, water-based finish)

  • Researched & installed new eco-friendly wool carpet (old removed)

  • New lighting fixture selection & installation (I sold old ones)

  • New furniture & home furnishings (I sold many unwanted items)

  • Repairing kitchen windowsill with new tile

  • Handyman repairs: fixing a pantry door, hanging bike rack, coat rack and art

  • Plumbing repairs + toilet installation

  • New washer / dryer

  • Hired quality arborist for trees on his & neighboring property

  • Organized kitchen, pantry, laundry room, garage and storage rooms

—Tom, Magnolia Resident comments on Testimonials tab


Office Downsizing, Relocating or Renovating?

This 16-person law firm was in need of a project manager to help with downsizing unwanted items out of their current location, relocating to a new office, and interfacing with contractors, architects and property managers while renovating their new spaces before move in. I was able to jump in and put a plan in process for a seamless transition, saving both the landfill and their overall costs. Grateful Spaces helped the firm accomplish the following between Apr ‘21-Jul ‘21:

  • Researched and hired the following vendors for the project: movers, document scanners, cable dismantle / install vendors

  • Interfaced as point person with property managers (on both ends) on behalf of the firm

  • Tagged all items with color-coded system for removal: recycle, donate, resell, or move to new spaces

  • Lined up furniture and hardware resellers and met them on-site for pick ups of unwanted items

  • Recycled all paper, metal, old electronics

  • Donated office supplies to local schools and non-profit organizations

  • Managed transition from paper-based to digital filing system—hiring a company to scan, shred and dismantle outdated materials

  • Managed the schedule and coordinated with IT team, preparing the team both physically and technically for the move

  • Interfaced with construction contractors, architects, commercial furniture installers and property managers on behalf of the firm during the renovation and transition to new spaces

  • Represented the firm on-site for moving day, the following day for unpacking / organizing essentials, and day 1 at new spaces, ensuring a seamless transition

—Chase, Tousley Brain Stephens firm comments on Testimonials tab